Sunday, 17 August 2014


     When have you ever seen a young grizzly bear, a gorgeous acrobat twirling from the ceiling, a martial artist breaking boards and a movie stuntman catching fire all in the same afternoon? Well we have, plus we got a delicious lunch! Our daughters and I had the good fortune to be invited up to the Virtue Studio Ranch courtesy of The Virtue Foundation and The Center for Epilepsy and Seizure Education in B.C.for Family Day at the ranch.
     While there we heard personal testimonies about the incredible work that The Virtue Foundation is doing to help marginalized and at-risk girls and boys. But mostly we got to see stuntmen doing crazy-dangerous stuff on motorcycles, quads and cherry-pickers, beautiful and scary martial arts demonstrations and just how much fun families can have when someone opens their amazing ranch up to kids with extraordinary and medical needs.
     It was tremendously encouraging to witness the giving that was done by these unbelievable folks who gave up their time to show kids what they do. Children and their parents got to forget about needles, tests and doctors appointments and just concentrate on fun. Our girls are going to be talking about this for a long time. Thank you Danny! Your last name says it all.