Tuesday, 4 July 2017



     Now that our oldest daughter has graduated, we realize that so many people helped make this day happen. From the people who daily assisted her to the folks that offered up special kindnesses recently, we have been blessed with so much! The abundance of care and concern that has been the hallmark of our daughter's years through high school has been extraordinary. Getting any child through high school alive, unscathed and still with an idea of the promise life ahead presents for them is a huge challenge. Getting a child with an IEP through high school can be especially challenging.
     That night none of that mattered as our daughter and her friend danced for hours, encouraged by the camaraderie and friendship of their fellow graduates. It was a rare and perfect night in a largely imperfect world; a night when our daughter felt like she was like everybody else, and for a few hours she was. It was the stuff of Disney movies but instead of running out of the ballroom at midnight and leaving a glass slipper or her cell phone behind, she ended the evening by giving one of her school principals a big hug. It was a much deserved hug. This nice woman made sure that our daughter and her date could side-step the pre-dance event and arrive in her own vehicle, a borrowed Mini. It was not a pumpkin but it was not much bigger and through the kindness of a friend was ours for the evening.
     For a few hours there were no problems, no differences, no handicaps, no disabilities, no feelings of being anything less or more than what she was: a teenage girl at her high school prom. 

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