Saturday 13 October 2018


     Many families have a story of the tragic loss of a young person, gone before their time, a death without reason, without purpose, one that defies understanding. Such is the case of our family now. We have lost a nephew, a cousin, a young man of such promise and potential that it cannot be overstated; he was one of our best and brightest. And we are sad beyond measure and struggling with the senselessness of it all.
     The death of this young man has devastated all of us who knew him; we are many and we are bereft. He was such a good boy, a caring son, grandson and brother, a faithful friend, an excellent student and a person of integrity and worth. He was fun and funny and had a wonderful sense of humour; his smile could light up any room. He loved music and motors; he knew how things worked. He had recently packed his belongings and moved to another state to start his courses in computer engineering. Even in his short time there he had made an impact. He had made friends. His memorial service there was witness to this fact.
    Our nephew was killed in a motorcycle accident. It happened as a result of an immense error in judgement made not by him but by the driver of the car that hit him. Every morning when we wake up, we have forgotten and then we remember and know again that he is gone. And we are never the same.
     We love you Jordan, we miss you. And we always will.....

Please sign the petition to prevent more needless deaths:


  1. Please help us make a change so no other family has to experience this tragedy.
    Sign the petition "California : In Memory of Jordan Grant Eliminate Death Trap - Hwy 101 and El Campo Road" help by adding your name.
    We need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:

  2. Thank you for including this important information. Please sign the petition if you can. Thanks!

  3. Jacqueline you expressed our feelings so well. Keep up the sharing. I love reading your thoughts. xoxo

    1. Thank you Mary. I really appreciate that! Love you,
