Friday 5 August 2022


      In my opinion perfection is over-rated: there is enough anxiety and worry around without us adding perfection to the mix. I have seen first hand the price young women pay when striving for perfection; it can't be done! However there are occasions when a day passes and I think to myself "What a great day; it was perfect!"
     My perfect 24 hours started with a wonderful evening spent with a cherished old friend. We walked down to the beach, had a great meal with a lot of laughter and enjoyed it tremendously. My evening ended with a couple of kind friends dropping off a few Krispy Kreme doughnuts. I was smart enough to save mine for breakfast the next morning! My day continued with a lovely church service, some time in my beautiful garden and an amazing dinner with my two lovely daughters....What could be better? Nothing really but the point is that so many days, if lived in the moment without fear of the future and regret for the past could feel just like this day. I had no agenda, was open to the moment and so fully present; hopeful, content even happy!
     Perhaps turning sixty-five had something to do with my mood. Regardless it was as wonderful a birthday as I could hope to have. I hope that you have a "perfect" day today!