When is a gift more than just a gift? I would say that when it is big, purple, beautiful, handmade and cozy and when it makes a big girl feel like a princess again. That is more than a gift; that is love made tangible, made real---- it is an always available hug, ready when needed night or day.
I think that gift giving is one of the blessings of this life. Sometimes we buy presents hurriedly, without much thought and throw them in a gift bag on our way out the door. And that's alright of course; we've all done it. I do take pleasure though in finding the perfect thing and giving it to the perfect person especially if I know that they will like it as much as I do. And if I can do that within the parameters of my budget, so much the better.
Sometimes though we receive a gift so thoughtful, so huge that we are blown away. And such is the case today, with our daughter receiving a gorgeous, full-size, majestically purple quilt made especially for her for her 16th birthday. It was made by a favourite auntie who always finds a way to make these amazing creations and bestow them upon unsuspecting family members at the perfect time. The fact that she can find time to sew like this when she teaches full-time, keeps a spotless and happy home and feeds us all at all the special occasions is incredible to me. That she is a wonderfully loving daughter, sister, mother and aunt is not hard to believe. That is who she is.
So today our daughter has a treasure that she will cherish always. And when a gift like that is received the best thing that we can do is wrap ourselves up in all that love and enjoy; just savour that great big hug, smile and say thank you.
I think that gift giving is one of the blessings of this life. Sometimes we buy presents hurriedly, without much thought and throw them in a gift bag on our way out the door. And that's alright of course; we've all done it. I do take pleasure though in finding the perfect thing and giving it to the perfect person especially if I know that they will like it as much as I do. And if I can do that within the parameters of my budget, so much the better.
Sometimes though we receive a gift so thoughtful, so huge that we are blown away. And such is the case today, with our daughter receiving a gorgeous, full-size, majestically purple quilt made especially for her for her 16th birthday. It was made by a favourite auntie who always finds a way to make these amazing creations and bestow them upon unsuspecting family members at the perfect time. The fact that she can find time to sew like this when she teaches full-time, keeps a spotless and happy home and feeds us all at all the special occasions is incredible to me. That she is a wonderfully loving daughter, sister, mother and aunt is not hard to believe. That is who she is.
So today our daughter has a treasure that she will cherish always. And when a gift like that is received the best thing that we can do is wrap ourselves up in all that love and enjoy; just savour that great big hug, smile and say thank you.