I always worry when I make statements like this because they invariably become null and void the minute they are out of my mouth but here goes. Our daughter has only had one seizure so far this summer vacation. One! And it was so small that I might not have seen it except I was sitting at the kitchen table with her when it occurred. It was a tiny, short complex partial seizure; she froze in mid-sentence and it was over within a minute. No convulsions, no falling to the floor, just freezing and then not. Post-ictal recovery was brief and immediate. It almost might not have happened except it did and I saw it.
The cause of the seizure was probably pre-camp jitters; that day our daughter was off to Zajac Ranch for Kids for the second time and that was probably the trigger. Being away from familiar surroundings can make anyone a little nervous. Our daughter loves the week at epilepsy camp--- a chance to hang out with other girls with similar health issues, be a little more independent and enjoy the fun activities the counsellors and the ranch provide there. We as a family appreciate immeasurably the opportunity that she has to participate in this wonderful week of camp and we cannot thank Zajac Ranch for Kids or The Center for Epilepsy and Seizure Education in B.C. enough.
It may turn out that stress and particularly school stress is a large part of why our daughter was having so many seizures in the past year. And if that is the case we may have to make some changes in the way she approaches her school year. Anti-anxiety practices may have to be observed. Or it may be that the two medications that she is taking are finally at a dose that will successfully control her seizures. And our daughter has had so many people praying for her! Whatever the cause of the lull in seizure activity, we are grateful. And I just hope that I haven't spoken too soon.....