Thursday, 16 January 2020


     Our move is moving along and it is very hard but we are not doing it alone. Thank goodness for the family and friends who have helped us so remarkably! Apparently flying across the country to carry furniture for someone else is not too big of a deal for some folks!? We have wrecked some pretty strong backs this week, our own included. And some incredible people have added bringing packing supplies and supplying delicious food for hungry helpers to the list of stuff we can be grateful for. And we are.
     This is an immense change of lifestyle, circumstance and setting for us. To go from a five acre patch of messy beautiful heaven to a lovely little suburban lot is a big change. We also go from driving everyone everywhere to some independence for our daughters and more manageable maintenance for us all. There are losses and gains from every change and we know that both will be in great supply. It is challenging to go from an area that you have been comfortable in for about twenty five years and try something new; even if it's only a short drive away, it's new for us.
     We leave behind neighbours and friends, good times and sad days. Our home was a place of much enjoyment and so much growth. As our family enters a new chapter in our story, I feel many things but mostly I feel gratitude. We all do! Thank you to all of you--- our postal code will have changed but our phone numbers won't!