
Our daughter was seizure free for three years, five months and eighteen days. Last night on the eve of her twenty-first birthday that changed. After over three years we all had gotten used to the freedom, the absence of fear and worry; we had gotten complacent. I believed that we were through the epilepsy chapter in our lives. I was wrong. Today as we celebrated her birthday we were also mourning this new reality. The celebration of her birth was much more important, much more meaningful but we hadn't slept and so the grief was visible in the tiny cracks and crevices of our happy, happy smiles.
We have everything--- God has blessed us richly in so many ways but chiefly with the love and support of family and friends. Our beautiful daughter's sunny disposition and cheerful ways make her easy to love. She has many supporters, maybe people like you. And so we do what we have done many, many times before. We stand up, we join hands and we start to count again. We count the days without seizures. Today is Day One