We have all gotten used to recycling at this point. Some dinosaurs like my husband still put stuff in the wrong bin but we always seem to catch it and make it right. Our older daughter deals with the garbage and recycling as part of her chores at home and she does a great job. In the past she's accumulated bottles and cans through friends and family and she and I have sorted them, brought them in and she has received the cash.
Since we moved we connected with some of our neighbours through the neighbourhood's Facebook page and discovered that there were folks who were happy to let our daughter bring their bottles and cans to the recycling depot. They understand how hard it is for a disabled person to make money and though our daughter is usually employed she will never make the amount of money that most of us take for granted. Typically disabled people make minimum wage and if they are fortunate enough to have a job, they often work only part-time. During a COVID layoff this little job has been a life-saver, not only for the cash that it brought in but more importantly for the connections our elder daughter made in the neighbourhood and the sense of purpose it gave her.
The recycling depot now offers a service whereby they sort and count the bottles and cans and credit the individual with the appropriate amount. I for one, really appreciate this as I am allergic to stinging insects and the wasps that used to hang around us at the depot as we sorted made it a very stressful activity. Anyway, suffice it to say that we are big fans of the Return-it Express program and would recommend it to anyone. Our daughter has made a few more friends in the neighbourhood, a little pocket money and the feeling that she is doing a good thing. You can't put a price on that!