Saturday, 21 January 2023


     Our daughter received two gifts from the church that she attended while in high school and beyond; one years ago and the other, just last week. One was that it was the place where she found acceptance and friendship at a time when there was not a great deal of that in her life. High school was difficult because of seizures and constantly having an Educational Assistant by her side. The EA was necessary for her safety but her presence seemed to discourage relationships with others. The youth group at WRCC was friendly and inclusive and even when the youth pastors changed the group was one that she counted on. We then went to the church services on Sunday that were also warm and inviting: the music was modern and accessible, the words were projected above and easy to read, dress was casual and the leadership there was, and still is, smart, funny and full of wisdom and humility. Our daughter felt at home there.
     The other is a cheque that she received just days ago as part of the giving of their church congregation to something called a "Benevolent Fund". This is how deserving people in the community are assisted to reach their goals or to improve their situation by means of a monetary gift. I can tell you that I was blown away by the kindness and generosity of this Christmas blessing bestowed upon our eldest daughter. As we have not been attending church there for a while, these folks had not seen our daughter lately but took it upon themselves to let her know that she is missed, appreciated and thought of--- what a kind thing to do--- especially in these times of economic uncertainty for so many!
     I am reminded daily that there are good, kind people out there; some you meet at church and some of them you meet elsewhere. Kindness, the intention to be kind is part of their way of life. The Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet, has been quoted as saying: "My religion is kindness." Today our family is reminded that that is true of many others as well--- folks in our very own town. Thank you WRCC!