This service for me is a simple but profound connection that is made in quiet moments. I can look around and really see my surroundings: the stained glass, the brass and wood, the tapestry and wax, the bread and the wine. By observing the ritual of Eucharist up close with attention paid to the acts and words of this most sacred communion, I am drawn in, focused. In the chaos and commotion of daily life, this time in His house is a small retreat into wonder, a simple but valuable reset: I feel like a child in my Father’s house. Once again, I am.
I am grateful for this. I appreciate that our clergy, led by Father Joe, provides this service. I am thankful for the Altar Guild and that the church can be open and available to us in the middle of the busy week. I thank God for all who came before and gave us this place of joy, of peace, of hope, of love. There may be cracks and stains in places, spilled wax and old windows but I love this house of God, my church home. I know this every day but I am particularly reminded, every Sunday and every Thursday.