One to Another
Written by a parent for parents of children with epilepsy, Nonverbal Learning Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders, learning disabilities and other special and additional needs.
Thursday, 6 February 2025
Saturday, 18 January 2025
Our eldest daughter was walking two dogs when one of them, her mini Irish doodle Stella had an interaction with another off leash dog. This caused our daughter to drop her leash and for Stella to take off down the street, dragging it as she went. Our daughter had a small injury on her hand but she and the dog's owner ran off to find her. Stella ran down a busy street and turned the corner and kept running. Then she turned another corner and kept going. Eventually apparently she crossed the street and scratched at the door where another of our daughter's dog sitting friends lived. Unbeknownst to all of us, this little Bichon-Shih Tzu cross named Meisha let her owner know that Stella was at the door and they let her in. Meanwhile our daughter had called me on the phone, out of breath and with her hand bleeding. She and the other dog’s owner continued to look for Stella. I ran out of our house and while she secured the third dog, a cute little mini Bernadoodle named Buddy, I started to track Stella using the Apple tag on her collar. I was also hollering Stella at the top of my lungs, having what a friend wittily described as a "Tennessee Williams" moment. Eventually Meisha's human ran out to the end of her driveway to let me know that Stella was safely in her house. All the dogs were reunited with their people and all was well. To make a short story tedious, we did have to find a local and available tetanus shot (Safeway has them) and our daughter was late for work. There were however several valuable lessons to be learned from all this running, panting and shouting:
1. Praying is important and should be done even if at the same time you are running like an idiot down the street with one eye on your iPhone and one eye on the road, shouting your dog's name. Multitasking at its best!
2. Never underestimate the ability of dogs, no matter how cute and small, to help us humans look after them. Perhaps they actually look after us?!
3. In times of need, dogs never forget a friend even if its been months since they've last seen one another. Perhaps we could learn a lesson from our pets in this regard!?
4. Technology is great but in the end, in this case anyway, success was achieved as a result of plain old-fashioned neighbourliness and friendship. Oh, and don't forget prayer!
Friday, 6 December 2024
Holy Trinity
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White Rock Anglican Church celebrates a century of faith and community

Holy Trinity Anglican Church in White Rock stands as both a spiritual and community hub, with a rich 100-year history with a forward-looking approach that welcomes people from all walks of life. With its robust liturgical practices and community outreach programs, the church is a vibrant centre of connection in White Rock.
“Our church is active and growing,” says The Rev. Joseph Dirbas, rector of Holy Trinity. “We’re doing a lot to connect with the community and expand our programs, especially for children, youth and families. It’s exciting to see how much we can do together.”

Music at the heart of worship
One of the church’s notable recent steps has been hiring a music director to elevate Holy Trinity’s music ministry. This new director leads the choir, prepares anthems and performs special pieces, including solos, during services.
“It’s a big step in making music a more central part of our worship and community events,” says Dirbas, noting the new music director, Maria Golas, is also a member of the Vancouver Chamber Choir, bringing added expertise to the role.
Tradition meet progress
Holy Trinity has long been known for its commitment to Anglican liturgy, offering worship grounded in tradition, scripture, reason and community connection. However, the church is socially progressive, welcoming members of the LGBTQ+ community and others who may have felt excluded elsewhere.

“We balance being liturgically traditional with being inclusive and socially progressive,” Dirbas says. “People can come and be accepted as they are while learning about scripture and discipleship. We engage deeply with the community and strive to embody Christ’s example of loving all people.”
Beyond Sunday services, Holy Trinity Anglican Church opens its doors to the broader community. It hosts an array of activities such as yoga classes, Seniors Lunches, Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, food bank collections and Bible studies.
“We host many events like neighbourhood gatherings, a monthly Evensong service, and even a Christmas Market coming up on Nov. 30,” Dirbas says. “It’s all part of living out our mission statement: “In Christ, we are a growing community, welcoming others to join us on our faith journey."
The church is also a local resource hub that provides support for homeless individuals and families. “We share our space with Sources because it’s about putting the gospel into action,” Dirbas explains. “We respect the dignity of all people and want to share the joy and love of Christ with everyone.”
Dirbas, who immigrated to Canada with his wife – a fellow Anglican priest – and their five children in late 2021, feels deeply connected to Holy Trinity’s mission. “I love seeing the gospel put into action,” he says. “It’s a joy to guide this community, working together to live out our faith and make a difference.”
For more information on The Church of the Holy y Trinity’s programs and events, visit or
Friday, 29 November 2024
Saturday, 16 November 2024
It never fails to amaze me however, how much we are ourselves our whole life through. And I am astonished at how much we forever look like ourselves as well. The essence of who we are is always there. I can look at my eldest daughter’s hands and still see the little tiny hands that they used to be twenty years ago. And they're still busy, active, hard-working hands. Sometimes my youngest daughter will give a laugh that reminds me of the giggles we heard from her when she was a little girl; she's still mischievous. These young women are the same as they always were but different too; grown up.
Sometimes I miss those little voices, those tiny hands and small feet. Life seemed simpler then; our problems were easier, the world a bit safer. Our daughters were there with us always and we could hold them. Now they are out in the world every day and it’s harder to protect them, even if we could.
Life is that story; the growing up, the moving out, the moving on, the ebb and flow of human existence. And amongst it all is that beautiful crazy lovely funny thing we call parenthood. What a blessing!