Thursday, 17 November 2011


     I just received a call from a mother with a special needs child at our school who is trying to figure out who to talk to when things go wrong or right. There is always a chain of command and when you have a child with an SEA (Special Education Assistant) it's sometimes hard to know who to approach. Do you talk to the classroom teacher, to the SEA, does the SEA take her direction from the classroom teacher? Does it depend on who you have on your team? Personally, I have tried to stay in touch with our SEA on the day to day matters through my daughter's planner. If something needs to be said in a timely fashion, I seek her out. But by using the planner, I think that the classroom teacher also has access to the information or question that I have. It is a complicated matter. You don't want to go over people's heads.  You also don't want to trouble someone who cannot help you with your concern. It's a learning experience every day. And like most folks, I usually feel like I have more questions than answers. How about you?

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