The other day a very nice man told me that I was a lucky woman. To be honest, I would have been more flattered if he had told me that my husband was a lucky man, but I believe his intention was to compliment both of us, at the same time. And he succeeded. He also got me thinking about the things I take for granted, which probably are most things in my life. I do have everything. I have so much that I cannot even list it all here. So having a child with a learning disorder and some health issues should not be a big deal. And most days it isn't. Our 12 and a half year old is learning disabled or special needs or additional needs or whatever you want to call it. Sometimes that makes life hard. We worry about what will become of her in the future. Being older parents, we worry a lot about what will become of her life without us. Right now I am worrying about how she will handle a huge, over-crowded high school with almost 2000 kids after attending an elementary school with no more than 90 children. I know that worrying does not help anything but these things are in my mind and so they are on my mind too. One of my new year's resolutions besides the usual lose weight, eat healthier thing is to worry less. Worry less and have faith. Have faith and smile more. Smile more and know that I am indeed a lucky woman.
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