Some folks believe in heaven and hell, some folks believe in karma...It sounds like a bad country music song, doesn't it? Regardless of what you believe however, there are consequences to behaviour whether it is good or bad. Newton's Third Law of Motion: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. I believe that this applies in our own lives as well. "You reap what you sow, what goes around, comes around"--- you get the idea.
It also follows that when someone does not do their job well, then they are liable to face consequences. As consumers, we buy products that will hopefully meet our needs. If they are not met, we hope that there is a way to remedy the situation. When I managed a branch of a large Canadian jewellery chain, I didn't mind hearing complaints or giving refunds to unsatisfied customers. This was my opportunity to right a wrong and make this client happy and ensure that they would return to our store. All it usually took was some listening, some attention, some sense for them that they were important. Regardless of the product or services we are buying, we want to know that there are policies in place for ensuring consumer satisfaction.
Folks in the workplace often make mistakes. Professionals make errors too. Fortunately, there is always recourse for addressing these issues: meetings, letter writing, petitions, voting with our feet. We can always go elsewhere to shop, worship, get car repairs, get dental care or even an education for our children. When a favourite minister left my church, I walked away without really even giving the new guy a chance. After years of back and forth, not attending, trying other churches, I am back. What did my children learn from that? Not much that is useful, I'm afraid.
We are having a bunch of administrative and staff changes at our little school. I wrote a letter to the assistant superintendent and complained. Now, I am excited. Don't ask me why. Everything is going to be alright.
It also follows that when someone does not do their job well, then they are liable to face consequences. As consumers, we buy products that will hopefully meet our needs. If they are not met, we hope that there is a way to remedy the situation. When I managed a branch of a large Canadian jewellery chain, I didn't mind hearing complaints or giving refunds to unsatisfied customers. This was my opportunity to right a wrong and make this client happy and ensure that they would return to our store. All it usually took was some listening, some attention, some sense for them that they were important. Regardless of the product or services we are buying, we want to know that there are policies in place for ensuring consumer satisfaction.
Folks in the workplace often make mistakes. Professionals make errors too. Fortunately, there is always recourse for addressing these issues: meetings, letter writing, petitions, voting with our feet. We can always go elsewhere to shop, worship, get car repairs, get dental care or even an education for our children. When a favourite minister left my church, I walked away without really even giving the new guy a chance. After years of back and forth, not attending, trying other churches, I am back. What did my children learn from that? Not much that is useful, I'm afraid.
We are having a bunch of administrative and staff changes at our little school. I wrote a letter to the assistant superintendent and complained. Now, I am excited. Don't ask me why. Everything is going to be alright.
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