Saturday, 8 September 2012

Last Post

     Okay, so I lied...this is my last post. Our daughter used to have a seizure disorder. Now we know that she has epilepsy. They are the same thing except one was temporary, something that could be outgrown; the other, part of her life from now on.
     In case you don't know, if you see someone having a seizure you should make sure they are safe, put them in recovery position (on their side) and then time it and stay with them. If their seizure lasts for more than 5 minutes or they have 2 seizures in a row, then call 911.
     That's all...

Thursday, 6 September 2012

First Day

     We stood there trying to find our way through the crowd; bodies pushed and moved, I felt trapped and had to keep going. The noise level was incredible, I couldn't speak without yelling and when a gap was found we stopped. We breathed. I kept consciously breathing but meanwhile my stomach was rising in my body and I thought that I was going to be sick. I tried to control my thoughts, my words, my face; I didn't want her to know what I was feeling. I had to be here with her--- she could not be alone for fear of another seizure. What I was experiencing was irrelevant; I was here for her. I didn't want to colour her view of the day--- the first day of high school.

(This is my last post. My daughter has asked me not to write about her now that she is in high school. I'm not sure how I am going to manage that, but here goes....)