Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Daughter Again

     When our almost-ten year old was asked by the school librarian what her three wishes were she said, "That my sister wouldn't have any more seizures, that every day would be Anti-bullying Day and that I could have a German Shepherd puppy."
     That she is an absolute angel and a terrible perpetrator of squabbles goes without saying...she is human after all. That two out of three of her wishes would be directly linked to the welfare of her older sister speaks volumes about her character. She is a rare and wonderful creature; a person of style and substance; an amazing being who excels at doing and being...and can still drive me crazy with whining/complaining/squabbling of the highest (and lowest) order.
     I am of course, totally biased; she is our daughter--- an unexpected beauty who arrived 9 months or so after a particularly delicious 45th birthday dinner at a local Indian restaurant. The pregnancy was difficult; we were told that there would be a genetic anomaly resulting in grave health issues and physical abnormality. None of it came to pass. She is insurpassable. Hearts will be broken. I have permission to live in her basement when I am older, except when I have failed her in some way and then I do not.
     I refer you to my blog of 26/4/2012---Daughter. She is all that and more.

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