Monday, 21 October 2013



      I am not sure where I saw this but I like it: "Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. It will be enough." Arthur Ashe  It's simplicity is riveting and at the same time deceptive. How often do we give ourselves permission to do the first three and then decide to be okay with the last one? How often do we say "can't, shouldn't, isn't"? I know I do. More times than not I claim it's me being practical, realistic or just myself---a-glass-half-empty kind of person.
      But I am inspired by people like the woman who runs Project Aftershock, a thrift store whose whole reason for being is to raise money and awareness for the people of Haiti, many of whom are still dealing with the after-effects of a horrendous earthquake. This earthquake happened in 2010 and affected the lives of over three million people! But this is the whole point for our friend. She carefully and cheerfully collects money, medicine, and clothing so that she herself can travel to Haiti and as a nurse, distribute what she can. She is amazing! Her faith in God is strong and I think that helps her. Truly she is an angel who can't help but care for others and who is not overwhelmed by the mountain of need that exists in a place like Haiti. To me she is the epitome of the above quote which apparently is credited to American activist and tennis player Arthur Ashe who died in 1993.  He also apparently wrote: " From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life." He's right and she knows it.

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