Sunday, 16 November 2014


     Every year about this time, my chickens stop laying eggs. The hens are molting and consequently, they are expending energy on making new feathers and not on making eggs. It is a frustrating time for me because of course, they're still eating just as much as before but their egg output is ridiculously small. (Their other "output" remains the same of course!?) And so I don't have eggs for my customers and they have to go elsewhere. If you have ever had to eat store bought eggs after you have eaten free-range eggs, there is no comparison. You are now spoiled and cannot go back. Fresh really is best.
     This is also the time of year when it becomes clear that those cute little balls of fluff that hatched out in the summer are either hens or roosters. Hens mean more eggs which is good; roosters mean more morning noise which is not so good. Unfortunately, out of the ten pullets we have, three are roosters.  That is too much cockle-doodle-doo for us and also I suspect, for our neighbours.  We already have 4 roosters: Little Jerry Seinfeld, Kermit, Phillip and Benedict. What to do, what to do with an extra rooster or two, or six. Contrary to urban mythology, they are not good eating; I doubt that the whole bunch of them would even make one decent pot of soup. Also I am not in the habit of eating things that I or someone I know has named. Pets do not equal food. Anyway, have you ever tried to kill and then pluck any type of poultry? It is not my idea of a good time.
    So if you need a good rooster or even a bad rooster, look no further. Have I got a bird for you! And if you are an egg customer of mine or someone else's, be patient. Spring is coming---not soon mind you, but it will be here one day, and so will all those bountiful, beautiful, fresh, free range eggs.

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