Tuesday, 14 April 2015


     Our daughter and I are spending five days in the Neurosciences ward at BCCH. It is a busy place with full parking lots, crowded elevators and bustling families going here and there. The EEG video monitoring that our daughter has to undergo is in the hope that we might find out why she is having so many seizures. Her antiepileptic medication is reduced in order to prompt seizure activity. The location of the seizures' origin will also be very useful information.
     It is a surreal experience to more or less drop out of your everyday life and step into a hospital room where your child is consigned to a bed for five days. It is also bizarre to want your child to have seizures but that's what I am doing: praying for a seizure or three. So strange! That everyone here is kind and helpful could go without saying but I will say it--- everyone is incredible. And if ever you are feeling sorry for yourself, come grab a coffee and look around. You will know immediately how lucky you are, how blessed you are to have such small worries. Hundreds of children here are dealing with life and death issues every minute of every day. All I have to do is watch one child have a least one seizure. No worries.


  1. I admire your strength and positivity! I hope everything goes as planned and you can finally get the answers you need!

  2. Good luck ladies! Thinking of you and hoping for a seizure this week and then none ever again!! xoxo

  3. Thank you Becky....Hayley is doing her best;)
