Monday, 25 May 2015


     Our daughter is really enjoying Challenger Baseball. The teams consist of a wide age range and a variety of  physical challenges and learning disorders. The point is that when all the kids get together, none of it matters. Our daughter has met some of the kindest and friendliest kids ever; they remember her name and cheer her on in a way that makes her feel great. There is no embarrassment or teasing when it takes a while to get a hit. Everybody gets to hit, everybody get to run around the bases, everybody gets to feel like a winner for once; there is no being the last one picked. It is noncompetitive but it is fully fun.
     Every kid deserves to play; it is the work of childhood after all. Our society makes winning a prerogative but fortunately these days it also makes play the right of every child, regardless of their developmental challenges. We never thought that we would see our daughter enjoy softball the way that she does; she loves it! And what could be better than that? Batter up!

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