Saturday, 27 February 2016

Bully 2


     When I was a young girl and someone did and/or said something unpleasant to me, I was instructed by my parents to ignore the someone; my folks said that they would eventually tire of the lack of reaction from me and move on. It is the very same advice that I gave to my girls when they encountered unpleasant someones of their own. Subsequently it seemed that they were accused of leaving the bully out, of making them feel unwelcome. Wasn't that the point?  And let me be clear: I did not ask them to retaliate, or to be rude in any way. My husband and I gave the same advice: Smile, say hello and keep walking. Do we now reward bad behaviour by continuing to include the bully in our relationships regardless of the fact that this person is foul-mouthed, rude and lacking in even the most basic of social graces? Are the rights of the one now more important than the rights of the many?
     We are familiar with bullying. Our extraordinary-needs daughter encountered it in elementary school; my husband and I have had our own experiences both as children and adults. We have all been told that one of the reason bullies are bullies is that they have been bullied themselves. This may well be true but it does not let bullies off of the hook. They are responsible for their own behaviour and should therefore understand that other people may not want to spend time with them. And this is not just a school yard phenomenon; this happens with adults in the workplace as well,  There are bullies everywhere, in every walk of life, old and young. It is up to us as parents to model the behaviour we wish to see from our children and when we don't see it, to offer correction and guidance. There is help out there for people who need more than that.

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