Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Virus 2

     We are blessed in that COVID-19 has not yet seemed to have impacted us that much. My husband is still working. Our eldest was only laid off for a couple of weeks. Our youngest was already doing online schooling. My parents are now able to do their own shopping. And home church is happening and the neighbourhood dogs have yet to start howling at the sound of me singing hymns at home. So on a weekend when the dishwasher kicks the bucket, my husband's truck and trailer are stolen, our eldest breaks a front tooth and our youngest is so mad at me that she goes to her godparent's house without even saying goodbye, I am thinking.
     My thought is that it is not the virus itself that is affecting many of us as much as all the secondary losses, the things that keep us sane. Like being able to shake a new neighbour's hand. Or hugging your newly returned and therefore quarantined mother when she starts to cry. Seeing friends. Actually going to church and getting a Fuzzy Peach candy from the nice lady at the door. Seeing people's faces. Having birthday parties. Walking into Michael's Bakery and getting to sneak in a delicious latte and a berry danish. Using cash. Not being frightened that any interaction out there is going to bring "IT" into our home and affect our medically vulnerable daughters.
     Again, please don't get me wrong. I am not taking this lightly. People are dying. It's just on a weekend when some things go wrong, I am grateful for what is going right. And I sure would like to shake hands with people or hug a few folks out there....

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