My aging brain plays the usual tricks on me...."What is that actor's name?"... "When is that appointment again?"... "Who did we see at the Orpheum, the last time we went?" You know, when a word won't come to you right when you want it and it shows up later? Maybe you don't know but I do. And of course I worry about that, like any other soon-to-be sixty-four year old. But that's another story.
Lately I have been seeing more and more posts on Facebook from my high school peers and friends. The familiarity and the nice feeling I get from seeing their faces, whether old, like mine is now or young, when I knew them and saw them pretty much everyday is surprising to me. These are folks that I have not seen almost without exception for almost fifty years! Fifty! Well actually forty-seven but who's counting? I guess I am....
Perusing my long lost recently found 1974 grad year book again was like greeting an old friend, albeit one that I have not seen in a very long time. So many familiar faces, vague memories, old remembrances and the photos! People I knew looking exactly like people I now know on social media just younger. Maybe everyone else is sick of us Baby Boomers reminiscing but I'm not. I guess I love how people look like themselves even when a lot of time has passed. I am happy that our younger daughter wears a ring I wore when I was her age. It's cool to share a Jackson Five video from 1974 with our older daughter, back when Michael was sixteen and looked it. I don't mind that tie dye and flared jeans are back. I have never been able to find a different way to wear my hair other than the way I wore it back then... and I guess that finally, I am okay with that.
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