Wednesday, 13 July 2022


     We just welcomed a new puppy into our household which is a joyous, chaotic, busy and boisterous undertaking. Our girl Stella is just 12 weeks old and as a mini Irish Doodle she is the epitome of cuteness: fluffy, small, full of personality with a mischievous streak a mile long. I am not going to tell you that she is brilliant or knows everything about the world around her. She doesn't. She didn't know how to climb stairs or that wasps will sting you if given half a chance. But in the two weeks that I have known her here's a few of the things that even an old lady like me could learn from her....
1. Life is short. Lie down on the grass, in the grass, with the grass and enjoy it. There's nothing better! It's why God invented grass!
2. Summer is even shorter. Look up every chance you get and notice the sky, the clouds, the birds and the bugs. It's the best. And it might not last long.
3. Keep up to date with your "I love yous". Everyone doesn't always appreciate the affection you have for them or how you express it in the moment but that's okay. When they need it they will remember your kisses and hugs and feel better for them.
4. Sharing is so important. Especially if you have a much bigger big sister named Blue. Let everyone play with your toys. Let everyone eat your food. Let everyone drink your water. When they have extra, chances are they will share with you too. It's worth the gamble.
5. Take time to rest. It's essential that you get enough sleep. Whenever you feel like it, just stop and lie down. And if someone else wants to snuggle with you, so much the better. If anyone objects they can walk around you. And they will.
6. Listen, listen, listen. A lot of the people around you know a thing or two about the ways things work. If someone says "sit" go ahead and sit. It can't hurt and there may be a treat in store for you. You never know unless you try!
     Anyway we are thrilled with Miss Stella. She is the answer to our eldest daughter's prayers and a marvelous addition to our family. Whoever said that a puppy is a lot of work wasn't wrong. But our girl Stella is making all of that effort very worthwhile. In case you can't tell we love her already!

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