Thursday 3 October 2024


     One of the benefits of family is meeting their friends and sometimes getting to know one or two of them quite well. We recently had the pleasure of hosting a friend of our younger daughter, a young man who I'd like to think has now also become a friend of ours. Circumstances had created the need for alternate living arrangements and we were able to provide that for several months. It's not easy to fall into a family and find a way to navigate all the ins and outs of group life in a family that's not yours. Our young friend found a way to do that without infringing on anyone's space or privacy and actually found a way to contribute. Whether by cutting the grass or reorganizing a cupboard, taking out garbage or walking the dogs, he found a strategy for adding to our summer rather than diminishing it in any way. 
     It can be challenging to be a good guest but he was up for the challenge and in fact, exceeded my expectations. We experienced the death of a young family member this summer and our friend was exceptional in his ability to empathize, to support, to listen and to understand. I felt heard; I think we all did and his recognition of our collective grief and sadness was a gift he shared generously. As any grumpy old lady would, I have sometimes wondered about the younger generations and their values. This young man filled me with hope and made me glad that we had space to share...thanks buddy. We miss you already!

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