Saturday, 18 February 2012


     Yesterday, we had a small impromptu party for my daughter's classmate who has left our school. We had snacks & pop, cupcakes & tunes...all the necessary ingredients for a good party. But the most important ingredient for a great party is each other; the friends and associates that are a part of  this particular community. I was so touched that people were able to drop by with their kids and give the child that was leaving, a proper send-off. Change is hard but it is harder still when we are not able to say good-bye.
     There is so much change & loss in our lives but it can be resolved if handled in a sensitive way. We seem to assume at times that children are so resilient; they don't need completion with certain aspects of their lives. My personal experience is yes, children are resilient but they like to be consulted. When we heard that a particularly well-loved teacher had left, I assumed my younger daughter would be devastated. She was sad and she did need time to talk it over and cry. When I asked her later if she would like me to try and arrange a last visit with this favourite teacher, much to my surprise, she declined. "I'm okay" she said. "I'm over it." I remember thinking that that was quick! There have been other times however, when efforts had to be made to have that sense of completion: a funeral for a pet, a balloon released for a death, or a phone call made to say good-bye.
     There is never too small a reason to have a party--- just the fact that it's Friday is reason enough for me! I just loved how some of the mothers went out of their way to bring their kids and even brought some kids that weren't theirs, just to make this child and her family feel loved and missed. That was a beautiful going away present that this family will never forget. And I won't forget it either.

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