Sunday, 26 February 2012

High School

     We are now beginning the transition to high school and nobody is less ready for this than me. Last week I went to the high school to hear about how my daughter's introduction is to be planned. My first foray into secondary school was the Parent's Night--- an introduction to the school administration, an outline of the programs, a schedule of visits back and forth, a panel of 8th Grade Leadership students and a tour of the school. I am feeling positive. The administration seem friendly, professional, competent and caring. The outline is comprehensive. The schedule begins soon---good! The students on the panel are bright, funny, and interested. The tour starts well until I realize that the L.S.T. (Learning Support Team) Room is at the top of the school on the far end of the 3rd floor and I don't think I could find it again if I tried. I am worried. I am trying to imagine my learning disabled daughter opening a combination lock and running up and down 6 flights of stairs with 1900 other students. I am trying to visualize her sharing a locker with a stranger, buying a lunch, finding her classes, making her way to the bus. I can't do it. It seems insurmountable. And that is the point. It seems unattainable to me. The question is--- is it impossible as far as my daughter is concerned? We shall see. If parenthood has taught me anything, it is that our children are full of surprises....I'll keep you posted.

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