Sunday, 10 June 2012


     Over the course of the 8 years that my eldest daughter has gone to elementary school, I have been involved with the PAC (Parent Advisory Council) or Parent's Group as we are now calling it for 7 of them. It has been one of the best parts of being at our school. I have met lots of parents, children, teachers and staff and have enjoyed the experience immensely. Sure there were differences of opinion, other approaches and even problems at the school and district level but there were always folks here who wanted to make a difference.
     I wanted to be close to the school because of my daughter's learning and seizure disorders. I ended up drinking some coffee, listening to some stories, having some laughs but most importantly making friends and feeling a connection to the place where my children have spent most of their waking hours from September to June. That has been enormously important to me over these 8 years and I want to say how much I have appreciated getting to know these folks.  I will not name them here...there are so many of them but here are a few of the places we connected:
      There were fundraisers, hot lunches, field trips, parent teas, talent shows, family dances, barbeques, assemblies and Country Markets, movie nights, open houses, meet the teachers, garage sales, stocking sewing, gingerbread and move the bleachers. There was plants planted, posters painted, bottles refunded, stuff donated, burgers cooked, pictures hung, cupcakes baked, raffles won, hampers filled, water given, presents wrapped, places driven....I could go on and on but you get the picture!  None of these things would be possible if not for these unselfish individuals.
    Thank you to everyone who made these last eight years so fulfilling for me. My older daughter is off to high school in September but my younger one will be here for four more years. And as she wrote in one of the little thank you notes placed on the tables at the Parent Tea: "Thank you for driving us. We would go nowhere without you." That's the truth;)

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